😁 Herculist Plus Review — Free Advertising that Delivers Traffic!


does not matter how awesome your product or service is. Unless you have a ton of targeted traffic, you will not be able to make significant income online. This review will explain how you can increase traffic to your website with Herculist Plus and Listinfinity.

Traffic = Sales

Here’s what you need to know about solo ads if you’re a newbie. Free solo ads are advertisements sent to a large audience without costing the advertiser anything.

Exactly what is Herculist Plus?

You can choose from many advertising tools on Herculist Plus that help you promote your brand and grow your business at an affordable price. Currently, Herculist Plus has just over 300,000 members.

Herculist Plus offers both free and paid ads. Also, they offer the ability to embed your opt-in page.

On the FREE plan, you can send out a free plain text ad mailer to 1000 people per day.

Traffic is 100% real. The traffic is not generated by bots or fakes. Like-minded entrepreneurs promote their businesses to each other.

After logging in, you will also receive emails with offers. If you do not wish to receive emails for a certain period of time, you can turn on Vacation Mode from within the settings area.

Herculist recommends using a separate email address when you signup so your inbox isn’t flooded with offers from other members.

Herculist allows you to promote any niche except illegal and porn content.

There are many types of ads, but I believe the most common one is probably making money online.

How Legit Is Herculist Plus?

Herculist has been in the industry for 21 years. So, I don’t believe they should ever be considered a scam or not legit. Probably the only drawback is that you WILL receive a LOT of promotional emails from other members. The good news is there are ways of making quick work of those, but that’s an article for another day. (email management)

A+ Herculist Support.

The support team is always very helpful at explaining how the platform works. Support is available via chat and email.

The Herculist tutorial is the first thing I recommend you watch. Simply click on the video tutorial below. It will give you a much better understanding of how Herculist Plus actually works.

Subscribe to my YouTube

Herculist Plus: What to expect

The first time you log in to the member’s area, you may feel overwhelmed. Thhe Herculist Plus home page displays any and every type of advertisement available.

Herculist Plus Main Dashboard

Prepare yourself. When you log in, there appears to be a lot going on. So, it takes a while to get through everything. It is for this reason that I recommend you watch the tutorial first.

In spite of the busy site, it is quite organized and clean. However, patience is still required. Loading the page(s) takes a while. With every click, you will be presented with a variety of ads. It is unavoidable. You must click the X symbol each time to close the popping ad.

You can directly access your desired area by simply clicking the drop-down menu under Account. That’s what I do.

Herculist Plus: How To Use It

Upon logging in, click on Members Area, then Herculist Plus on the top left. Your first step should be to submit your FREE daily email. Click the Submit Ads button top left. Click on Ad Mailers. Make dang sure your URL works before submitting it.

The same ad can be accessed and resubmitted over and over again, so you don’t have to create a new one every time.

You can either use your credit or purchase an ad if you wish to submit more ads during the day. Or you can upgrade to Gold like I did and submit to 300,000+ each and every day. Worth it’s weight in gold (my opinion).

By reading text ads, web ads, or blurbs, you earn credits. Use your free credit to submit HercuBlurbs. You can do all of the above for free.


You can earn views to your site by viewing other people’s ads if you are a Gold or PRO member. Credits are not earned here. View one ad and receive one in return (1:1)

FREE members also earn views (2:1 ratio, view two ads to get one view)

The image below (08) shows a wait countdown. PRO and GOLD members will have less waiting time.

Herculist Plus offers paid advertising

There are a variety of paid ads available with Herculist Plus. I have personally used PrimeAds. So, I will begin by describing them.

There is essentially no work involved with PrimeAds. Send them the URL you want to promote, and they’ll do the rest.

PRIME Ads are a way to get fast, guaranteed traffic directly to your websites. Your websites will be placed in prime areas of the HercuList site.


i-BLAST is the service that we offer that puts your website in the login position of both our HercuList and List Volta sites. All members that login to these sites while your i-BLAST is running will first be sent to your site.

Traffic Bomb: to gain access to both email and traffic members. For one price, you get six different ads.

HercuBlurbs: are ad blurbs that remain on the screen

PowerBlurbs: are ads that appear on the right side of the page while members navigate.

Ads can be purchased with credit cards or bitcoin.

Herculist Plus Affiliate Program

You can earn extra money by introducing new members to HercuList through the HercuList Affiliate Program. Gold members receive 50% commissions on all yearly or monthly payments made by their referrals. PRO members earn 35% commissions, and FREE members earn 25%. Affiliates earn 50% commissions on solo ads and Mega-Mail packages purchased through those affiliate pages.

Herculist Plus Membership Levels

Herculist Plus Membership Options

HercuList’s top level is GOLD. Those who are GOLD members can submit more ads to more people, earn more commissions (50%), and have the shortest credit earning timers (10 seconds). In addition to HTML ads, GOLD members can use the personalize tags in both the ad and subject line. Additionally, GOLD member ads have more credit value than PRO and Free member ads.

PRO members reach about half as many members with their ads as GOLD members, earn a smaller commission (35%), and have longer credit earning timers (15 seconds).

The FREE membership option is the entry level membership option. The number of members reached by free member ads is much lower than that of GOLD and PRO member ads. FREE members earn 25% commissions and have the longest credit timers (20 seconds). The credit value of free member ads is the lowest.

Conclusion: is Herculist suitable for affiliate marketing?

😀 You bet it is!!! Without a doubt HercuList PLUS is one of t-h-e best traffic sources I have used to date. Where else can you email 300,000+ opportunity seekers daily? Additionally, the HercuList PLUS affiliate program is a great way to build your own email list and earn cash. They even have a monthly contest and will give you a $5 signup bonus just for checking them out.

I highly recommend HercuList PLUS and any and every other program that will effectively help you to build your list. Because like they say “The Money Is In The List”!!!


Have you started building a list of targeted subscribers yet? Start TODAY!!!

To your success,
George Balek 😀

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