🧡 CashJuice and HercuList | Reviews | The Dynamic Duo | Scam or Legit?

In this article, we will examine Cash Juice and see if it is what it claims to be. The basic premise is as follows.

Would you be interested in spending time on social media and being paid for it? Millions of people spend billions of hours each month on social media.

Facebook has over 1.2 billion members, making it the third most popular website in the world. Globally, there are 7.2 billion people.

How does Cash Juice fit into all of this?

Cash juice is a social networking platform with a traffic exchange. It can be used to promote your business and build your audience.

It also has a money-making capabilities attached to it. Paid members can earn money in three different ways.

1️⃣ By promoting your business on its platform, you can earn money. You can use it to generate leads.

2️⃣ Refer new members who upgrade to a paid account to earn money.

3️⃣ Earn ad revenue sharing by being active in the community. To share ad revenue, you must be a paid member.

Here are the pros:

🔴 PRO #1 — Free version

🟠 PRO #2 — Access to most platform features

🟡 PRO #3 — Upgrades are easy and there is no pressure to do so

🟢 PRO #4 — The post rotator ensures that your ads are seen.

Here are the cons:

🔵 CON #1 — Members are watching their timers, waiting to click on the next ad.

🔘 CON #2 — Most members want to sign up for new members.

🟣 CON #3 — Traffic exchanges are not organic traffic, so SEO is against them.

⚫️ CON #4 — A lot of time is spent attracting eyeballs to your site.


Cash Juice: Who Is It For?

Cash Juice makes sense if you are a big believer in social media marketing and traffic exchanges. Most Internet marketers have a Facebook account, a Twitter account, and perhaps even an Instagram, Pinterest, or LinkedIn account.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could get paid to post and gain followers on social media? Cash Juice works on that principle.

Cash Juice will set up a new account for you regardless of whether you use your existing social media accounts. Your account will allow you to post, like, comment, and follow other members.

Posts will be similar to what you’re already doing, with the exception that they will be more business-oriented than personal.

Cash Juice posts include links to blogs, inspirational quotes, product or service offers, and links to programs members want to promote. You can do this depending on which links you are promoting.

Tools & Training for Cash Juice

The Cash Juice traffic exchange offers a step-by-step guide that explains how to get started. Traffic Ad Bar will be used to set up your funnel.

It is necessary to view the ads on the traffic ad bar, which has a different platform. You must view each advertisement for 10 seconds before moving on to the next. Different bonus rounds are included at various times as well.

Post Rotator for Cash Juice

The post rotator feature ensures that the posts you make are shown consistently. The first step is to choose a post you want to promote and set up a campaign. The number of posts you can select depends on your membership level.

You will receive one campaign as a free member. At the moment, you can only choose one post to be featured in the post rotator.

Prior to that, you must earn credit by viewing other members’ posts. I guess you could say it’s a concert where I scratch your back and you scratch mine.

There is a countdown timer on each post of 5 seconds before you can click ‘next.’ Viewing each post earns you one credit that you can use for your own campaign.

By watching another member’s ad, you are effectively getting a free advertisement.

Support for Cash Juice

They also have a Cash Juice community where members can interact. As a result, you won’t feel lonely if you’re staring at ads, which is necessary for traffic exchanges.

Price of cash juice

Another screenshot shows all three levels and the benefits of upgrading.

It is Cash Juice’s goal to have as many pro members as possible. In truth, if you are convinced about the program and are able to benefit from your marketing efforts, $19.99 offers an excellent value.

Cash Juice: My Final Opinion

In my experience, Cash Juice works if you work with it. Rather than looking at websites for traffic, you can use your time in other ways. There are many traffic exchange programs on the Internet today.

Cash Juice, however, is a tad different. As a free member, you will not get the same exposure as a paid member.

Referring members can also earn you money through their referral program. Ultimately, Cash Juice is a legitimate way to drive traffic to your business.

Often, this is preferred over search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, blogging, etc. Boost your traffic and get your business seen with Cash Juice. Hope this helps with your assessment of CashJuice. Please feel free to leave questions and comments below. Thanks!


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George Balek 😀

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