🤑 Is Cliqly Really the Easy Money-Maker It Claims to Be?


Hey there, online enthusiasts! If you spend a lot of time online like me, you’ve probably come across the buzz surrounding Cliqly. The big question is, can you truly earn $243 a day by just sending emails, as it promises, or is it all just a waste of time? I’m Mikael, and I’ve taken a closer look at Cliqly to give you the lowdown. By the end of this Cliqly review, you’ll have the information you need to decide if it’s the right opportunity for you.

What is Cliqly All About?

Cliqly claims to be a platform that allows you to grow your business by sending 1.4 million emails per month to pre-built lists in just 10 minutes. Sounds intriguing, right? However, let’s not jump in too quickly. When you start exploring Cliqly, you’re immediately faced with a countdown urging you to join within a specific timeframe. Don’t be alarmed; this is just a marketing tactic to create a sense of urgency.

The core idea here is that you can earn money by sending emails on behalf of a guy named Bobby. You’ll get a commission for every email click and potentially make some money. Theoretically, it could work, and some people have made money with it, but there are significant concerns to address.

The Concerns

Hidden Costs

While Cliqly advertises itself as completely free to join, there’s a catch. To keep using the platform, you’ll need to pay a monthly fee of $97 and buy credits for sending more emails or getting more subscribers. This hidden cost can add up quickly, and it’s just a little bit misleading.

Logic Gap

Cliqly asks you to send emails to subscribers, but it doesn’t explain why Bobby, the supposed email list owner, can’t use Cliqly himself. It raises questions about the platform’s credibility.

Low Conversion Rate

Sending emails to random people who have no connection with you or Bobby may result in an extremely low conversion rate. People are unlikely to click on emails from strangers, diminishing your chances of earning substantial money.

Consent Issues

Cliqly doesn’t clarify how it ensures that the recipients of your emails have given their consent to receive them. In the world of email marketing, strict rules apply, and sending unsolicited emails can lead to legal issues.

Dependence on the Platform

Cliqly doesn’t provide you with the skills needed to build a real online business. You’re solely reliant on the platform, and if it were to shut down, you’d be left with nothing.

The Hype vs. Reality

Many people have been drawn to Cliqly due to the hype surrounding it and the earning examples shared online. However, it’s crucial to understand that earning examples don’t always equate to profit. Some of the high earnings you see might be from referral commissions, not actual email sending. Additionally, these examples often don’t reveal the investments made to achieve those earnings.

My Final Thoughts

While it’s not impossible to earn some money with Cliqly, it comes with several concerns. If you’re considering it, weigh the pros and cons carefully. My advice for making money online is to opt for long-term solutions that provide genuine value and teach you real skills.

Cliqly may seem like a shortcut to quick earnings, but it’s important to think critically and consider the potential downsides, including hidden costs, low conversion rates, and legal issues. Your online success should be built on a solid foundation, and Cliqly might not be the best choice for that.

Remember, this review is based on my opinion and experience, and you should do your research before making any decisions. If you have your own thoughts or experiences with Cliqly, feel free to share them in a respectful manner in the comments. Let’s keep the conversation constructive and helpful for others navigating the world of online opportunities.


Transparency is essential to me because it forms the foundation of trust and accountability in any relationship or organization. When there is open and honest communication, it fosters a sense of reliability and credibility, whether in personal connections or within the broader context of businesses and government. Transparency ensures that decisions are made based on complete information, allowing for fair and informed choices. Moreover, it helps uncover and address potential issues or wrongdoing, promoting a culture of responsibility and integrity. Ultimately, transparency not only strengthens relationships but also contributes to a healthier, more equitable, and just society.

With that being said I must admit I have been making a lucrative income from Cliqly for a considerable amount of time now. And yes, a good portion of my commission comes from referrals. The video to my estimation, does come off a bit hyped, but to check out Cliqly for yourself, please click here.

Have you ever thought about being a Full-Time Affiliate Marketer? It may not be as hard as you thought. Check out this article and see why!

To Your Marketing Success!

George Balek 😀

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