🤬 Why I Do NOT Recommend Wasting Time on Medium.com!

Hey there, fellow writers and content creators! Today, I want to have a candid chat about why I think it might not be the best idea to invest your precious time and energy into the Medium.com platform. Now, before you brandish your pitchforks, hear me out. I’ve got some experiences and observations to share.

So, let’s set the scene

You’re a budding writer, eager to share your thoughts, stories, and expertise with the world. Naturally, you gravitate towards Medium.com – it’s sleek, it’s popular, and it seems like a great place to get your voice heard. Plus, they offer a paid membership option, which promises even greater reach and potential earnings. Sounds like a dream, right?

Well, hold your horses

Here’s the kicker: Medium.com isn’t always the writer-friendly utopia it appears to be. In fact, they have a bit of a reputation for shutting down accounts without warning or explanation – even those of paying members. Yeah, you heard me right.

Imagine this

You’ve poured hours into crafting the perfect article. You’ve polished every word, fine-tuned every sentence, and finally hit that “Publish” button with a sense of accomplishment. But then, out of nowhere, you receive an email from Medium’s support team, informing you that your account has been suspended. No explanation. No chance to appeal. Just like that, your hard work is gone, your audience vanished, and your dreams dashed.

Now, I’m not saying this happens to everyone – far from it. But the fact that it can happen at all is cause for concern. After all, as writers, we crave stability and reliability. We want to know that our efforts won’t be wasted on a whim.

But wait, there’s more. Even if you manage to avoid the dreaded banhammer, Medium.com still wields a considerable amount of control over your content. They can change their algorithms, adjust their policies, or tweak their monetization strategies at any time – and there’s not much you can do about it. Your articles might suddenly plummet in visibility, your earnings might dwindle, and your audience might vanish overnight. It’s a harsh reality, but it’s one we need to acknowledge.

Now, don’t get me wrong

I’m not saying Medium.com is all bad. It’s still a valuable platform for reaching a wide audience, connecting with like-minded individuals, and honing your writing skills. Plus, for some writers, the potential rewards outweigh the risks. But for others, myself included, the uncertainty and lack of control simply aren’t worth it.

So, what’s the alternative?

Well, luckily, the internet is a big place, full of opportunities waiting to be seized. There are countless other platforms out there – from personal blogs to niche forums to independent publishing sites – each with its own advantages and drawbacks. It’s just a matter of finding the one that best suits your needs and priorities.

In conclusion

While Medium.com might seem like a tempting destination for writers, it’s important to approach it with caution. The platform’s track record of arbitrary account suspensions and shifting policies should give us pause. So, before you invest too much time and energy into building your presence on Medium.com, consider whether the potential benefits outweigh the inherent risks.

And remember, as writers, we’re the masters of our own destinies. So let’s choose our platforms wisely, take control of our content, and keep telling our stories – no matter where they may lead us.

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To Your Marketing Success!

George Balek 😀

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